The Heroes, The Villains, and the Bystanders
Heroes: Patchwork Champions
Background: Spencer Ecchs comes from a long line of mad scientists, who he disappointed profusely by entering Evil Business. Keep a minor in Mad Science to keep his family content, he founded a worldwide corporation devoted to the spread of evil (and a number of useful time-saving devices). Malefico pulls in billions of dollars each year, and Dr. Ecchs makes a fortune off it; world domination is almost a hobby for him, albeit one that uses almost all of his money. Dr. Ecchs is overconfidant and somewhat cowardly, and some might argue that his heart isn't quite in world domination. This is partially true; the game of conquest is as interesting to him as the victory, and thus he follows all the rules of the Supervillains Code.
Background: Nina Smith is a bit of a rebel. Her mother maintains that she's simply going through a phase, but she maintains that supervillainy is a life choice for her, and one that she is proud of. She graduated the Villainy Institute with high marks, and was picked by Dr. Ecchs fresh out of school as an Evil Intern. Rising rapidly through the ranks due to super powers and attitude, Nightshade is now the second-in-command of Malefico, and shows signs of considering first. Nightshade is sarcastic and mean, with a hair-trigger temper and a bad attitude. She is also insecure, something she masks with hostility towards almost any perceived slight. As such, she is a perfect Vice President.
Background: Phil spent most of his early life as a Dangerous Thing; he remains quiet on what events brought him to such a pass. Escaping from the Repository of Dangerous Things, he found his way to Malefico looking for work. Dr. Ecchs was charmed by the monster's power and personality (and cooking skills), and hired him as his personal assistant. Phil is theoretically extremely powerful and dangerous, but he has an almost cripplingly fragile ego, and can usually be easily defeated by a few well-placed insults. Dr. Ecchs is working on building his self-confidance, but, being a supervillain, sucks at it, and has probably done more harm than good. Deep down, Phil just wants to be loved, and maybe eat some people.